Coop One cenote

Coop One Cenote cave entrance

Cenote Coop One is part of the K’oox Baal cave system (including the Tux Kapaxa system).

Between 2006 and 2011, cave divers explored more than 30 km of new cave passages in the K’oox Baal system. On December 9, 2011, the two cave systems merged and became known as K’oox Baal. Already an impressive total cave line length of 75,140 meters, it was extended to 102,901 meters and is now proudly considered the fourth longest underwater cave system in the world.

By the way, the first (Ox Bel Ha) and second (Sac Actun-Nohoch-Dos Ojos) underwater cave systems in the world are also located here on the Rivera Maya and we can dive them as well

Establishing this connection is the culmination of years of effort by cave divers worldwide. Researchers have made hundreds of dives in caves in the region and spent thousands of hours in the water. They spent hundreds more hours exploring and going through the dangerous jungle. They transported and maintained diving equipment, drove cars, and oversaw their endless repairs.

Today, the K’oox Baal is the world’s longest cave system whose entire surface, including contours and cave lines has been fully mapped.

Our K’oox Baal cave diving video

Cenote Coop One (Big Hole), a.k.a. Tam Hol in Maya

The cave system’s maximum depth of the Coop One section is 45 ft (13.7 m). You will find the permanent line on the far side from where you walk down a ramp and past the wooden deck with a ladder leading straight up to the surface.

K’oox Baal Cave system map

K'ooh Baal cave system map
K’ooh Baal cave system map

Coop One Cenote location map

The first explorers of the Sistema Tux Kapaxa side were Gunnar Wagner and Robbie Schmittner.

The first explorers of the Sistem Koox Ba’al were Bil Philips and Robbie Schmittner.

Other explorers were Steve Bogearts, Petr Chmel, Miloslav Dvoracek, Harry Hicks, Radoslav Husak, Daniel Hutnan, Martin Hutnan, Karol Kyska, Radek Jancar, Andres Labarthe, Miroslav Manhunt, Michal Megela, Theirry Minet, Zdenek Motycka, Bil Philips, Sabine Schnittger, Wulf Schubert, Jan Sirotek, Sarka Stepanova, Kamila Svobodova, and Radoslav Teichmann, Max and Laura Tobey.


Angelita Cenote

Yes! It’s a Cenote Angelita dive that will knock your mind off. Goosebumps and amazement that’s what we are talking about. It’s not only scuba diving; it’s an unforgettable experience.

Cenote Angelita resembles a pond in the jungle. It is about 25 meters (80 feet) in diameter. The green and brown are everywhere. Unlike other cenotes, water is greenish. Besides, brown leaves and pollen often cover the water’s surface. So, before even getting in the water, you realize this dive differs from the others.

Cenote Angelita has a unique feature that distinguishes it from others around. The famous cloud is at 27 meters. Nothing like the halocline you may see in the other diving spots. These two layers of water are separated by a thick layer of hydrogen sulfate that looks like solid clouds viewed from an airplane.

Angelita cenote diving photo
Angelita cenote diving photo

That is to say, you will feel like you are on a post-apocalyptic fiction movie set. It’s the feeling that fantastic monsters lurk in the depths of the clouds below, and you will have while crossing the borderline… You’ll fly around a tiny island in the middle of nowhere, bristling with dead tree branches. In other words, you will leave planet Earth for another dimension during your dive time.

Our Angelita Cenote cave diving video

Cenote map

Angelita Cenote Pit map
Angelita Cenote Pit map

It has a terrific, calm ambiance and a time capsule in which you will ponder how nature created such a mystical place.

In short, will you dare to dive in Angelita? Thus, experienced divers are welcome to have a thrilling moment with us. It is a Twilight Zone! You will easily name Angelita in the top 5 dives of your life.

Angelita Cenote location map


Dos Ojos cenote

Dos Ojos Cenote

Dos Ojos Cenote and Park is one of the most popular cenotes in Quintana Roo and one of the most visited. The entrance to this famous cenote is located approximately 48 km south of Playa del Carmen. A 4 km long dirt road leads from the highway to the cenote, cavern areas, and parking.

The name “Dos Ojos” means “two eyes”. It originated for the two circular-shaped cenotes that are located very close to each other.

Dos Ojos Cenote is part of the Dos Ojos cave system of the same name. Connected system Sistema Sac Actun-Nohoch-Dos Ojos today is the world’s second-largest underwater cave system, 376,7 km (234 miles) of underwater lines, with a maximum depth of 119.18 mts (391 ft). Dos Ojos section is an anchialine cave system connecting to naturally intruding marine water and tidal influence in the cenotes. This cave system’s coastal discharge point(s) has not yet been humanly explored through to the ocean. Large volumes of groundwater were demonstrated by dye tracing to flow towards Caleta Xel-Ha, a nearby coastal bedrock lagoon.

Dos Ojos system cave lines map
Dos Ojos system cave lines map

Dos Ojos Cenote area was used for filming underwater scenes for a few underwater cave movies:

Known for its many shallow dives, Dos Ojos offers divers plenty of time to enjoy the beautifully decorated system.

In the cenote called “First Eye,” two cavern lines in two very different caverns begin and end.

Our Dos Ojos Cenote diving video

Bat Cave line

The first – Bat Cave line leads divers mainly along the “bat cave” walls. It also gives divers plenty of room to swim around the huge columns and stalactites. Prepare for exciting surprises during this dive. Mid-dive, your guide will invite you to surface in the cave to admire the thousands of bats nesting on the ceiling.

Barbie line

The second line in Dos Ojos Cenote is the Barbie Line – a golden line 415 meters long with wide spaces and large bright galleries. This dive is a great way to become familiar with the sensation of water, where buoyancy changes rapidly. In the last quarter, divers will enter an almost closed area. You will feel far from the entrance, although you are close to the nearest exit point.

Each dive lasts 45 minutes, the average depth is 6 meters (20 ft), and the maximum is 9 meters (30 ft)

With shallow dives, crystal clear visibility, and great decor, Dos Ojos is spectacular for cavern diving.

Dos Ojos Cenote location map

The first explorers were Jim Coke and Johanna DeGroot. Other explorers were Jesse Armentrout, Steve Berman, Mauro Bordignon, Steve Bogearts, Mike Cameron, Rich Chapski, Nancy DeRosa, Tony DeRosa, Pablo Diaz, Will Dooley, Donn Ellerbrock, Kenneth Furman, MaryAnn Gamble, Steve Gamble, Bill Gavin, Steve Gerrard, Dr. Lee Gibson, Sergio Granucci, Mark Grant, Jill Heinerth, Paul Heinerth, Hilario Hiler, George Irvine, Steve Irving, Brian Kakuk, Steve Keene, Keith Kinard, Michael Lang, Gary Lemme, Jonathan Lesh, Dan Lins, Connie LoRe, Travis LoRe, Kevin Mack, Mike Madden, Sandro Madeo, Sam Meacham, Bill Mee, Jim Mellon, Michael Menduno, Lance Milbrand, David Miner, Jim Osborne, Robbie Osman, Andrew Pitkin, Chris Pyle, Bil Philips, “Buddy Quattlebaum, Rosemary Redgen, Bill Rennaker, Kevin Retton, Donna Richards, Simon Richards, Daniel Riordan, Leo Sastre, Sue Sharples, Chuck Stevens, Nicolai Toussiant, Claudia Tolentino, Pierre Watson, Martin Wright, Tom Young, Dr. John Zumrick, Gary Walten, Kay Walten, Patrick Widdmann, and others unknown.
