Diver Certification Equivalences

Have you ever wondered how diving training courses can be compared between diving training organizations? Are you uncertain if your “advanced diver” certification meets the dive center’s criteria for evidence?

Different terminology to say the same thing from different agencies

Although dive training organizations aim to train excellent divers, they may use different terms to convey the same message. Knowing equivalent ratings will help determine how your certification compares to other organizations. It will also inform you if you have the requirements for a course, especially if you have a certificate from one dive training organization and want to take a subsequent course with another.

Lately, we have received numerous calls and emails from individuals seeking confirmation regarding comparable ratings offered by different organizations. In response, we have created a table that outlines the equivalent ratings provided by three agencies listed under the WRSTCSDI (Scuba Diving International), SSI (Scuba Schools International), and PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors).

On the chart below, you will see every dive training organization; their certifications are listed below. You can easily compare the ratings between different dive training organizations. If a certificate is not equivalent to the other organizations, the field will display “not applicable.”

Compare diver certifications with the equivalency chart (PADI, SDI, SSI)

Skin DiverSnorkelerSnorkel Diver
Discover Scuba DiverScuba DiscoveryTRY SCUBA DIVING
Bubble MakerFuture BuddiesScuba Rangers
ReActivate™ – Scuba RefresherInactive Diver / RefresherScuba Skills Update
Not ApplicableShallow Water DiverNot Applicable
Not ApplicableSupervised DiverNot Applicable
Scuba DiverNot ApplicableScuba Diver
Open Water DiverOpen Water Scuba DiverOpen Water Diver
Not ApplicableAdvanced DiverAdvanced Open Water Diver
Rescue DiverRescue DiverDiver Stress & Rescue
Master DiverMaster DiverMaster Diver
Not ApplicableScubility DiverClassified Diver
Advanced Open Water DiverAdvanced Adventure DiverAdvanced Adventurer
Peak Performance BuoyancyAdvanced Buoyancy ControlPerfect Buoyancy
Altitude DiverAltitude DiverAltitude Diving
Aware – Fish IdentificationMarine Ecosystems Awareness DiverNot Applicable
Aware – Coral Reef Conservation DiverMarine Ecosystems Awareness DiverNot Applicable
Boat DiverBoat DiverBoat Diving
Cavern DiverTDI Cavern DiverExtended Range (XR) Cavern Diving
Multilevel DiverComputer DiverNot Applicable
Enriched Air DiverComputer Nitrox DiverEnriched Air Nitrox Diver
Deep DiverDeep DiverDeep Diving
Diver Propulsion Vehicle DiverDiver Propulsion VehicleNot Applicable
Discover RebreatherTDI Rebreather DiscoveryNot Applicable
Drift DiverDrift DiverNot Applicable
Dry Suit DiverDry Suit DiverDry Suit Diving
Equipment SpecialistEquipment SpecialistEquipment Techniques
Not ApplicableFull Face Mask DiverFFM
Ice DiverIce DiverIce Diver
Project AWARE® SpecialistMarine Ecosystems Awareness DiverEcology
Night DiverNight/Limited Visibility DiverNight & Limited Visibility
Not ApplicableResearch DiverNot Applicable
Search and Recovery DiverSearch and Recovery DiverSearch & Recovery
Not ApplicableShore/Beach DiverWaves, Tides, & Current
Sidemount DiverSidemount DiverRecreational Sidemount Diving
Self Reliant DiverSolo DiverIndependent Diver
Rebreather DiverNot ApplicableRebreather Diver
Not ApplicableUW Hunter and CollectorNot Applicable
Underwater NagivatorUW Navigation DiverNavigation
Digital Underwater PhotographyUW PhotographerUnderwater Photography
Underwater VideographerUW VideographerNot Applicable
Not ApplicableVisual Inspection ProceduresNot Applicable
Wreck DiverWreck DiverWreck Diver

All information presented in this table is current at the time of publishing. However, as organizations update their standards and introduce new courses, the information in this table may become outdated and subject to change without notice. Therefore, we recommend you refrain from copying or taking screen captures of this table, as it may not be accurate in the future.

If you haven’t been diving for an extended period, it is highly recommended that you take a refresher course. While there is no set timeframe, it is generally advised to take the approach after about a year. If that is your case, diving with a professional to refresh your knowledge and skills is still wise, even if you have already obtained certification.

Regardless of the dive training organization you choose, we hope you have a fantastic dive experience ordering our cave, cavern, and ocean guided tours or continue advancing your dive education.

If you want to discover the beauty of caverns but still need to obtain a diving certification, you can still take measures. In that case, we offer a complete set of recreational diving courses to become certified divers and join the underwater world in 3 days of intensive training.

For recreational divers who want to learn how to dive deeper and longer and take part in our technical and cave diving courses, we offer a set of all the tech diving courses from Essentials / Intro to Tech up to Full / Stage / Multistage cave courses.


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