Tres Estrellas cenote

Cenote Tres Estrellas is part of the K’oox Baal cave system (including the Tux Kapaxa system).

Between 2006 and 2011, cave divers explored more than 30 km of new cave passages in the K’oox Baal system. On December 9, 2011, the two cave systems merged and became known as K’oox Baal. Already an impressive total cave line length of 75,140 meters, it was extended to 102,901 meters and is now proudly considered the fourth longest underwater cave system in the world.

By the way, the first (Ox Bel Ha) and second (Sac Actun-Nohoch-Dos Ojos) underwater cave systems in the world are also located here on the Rivera Maya and we can dive them as well

Establishing this connection is the culmination of years of effort by cave divers worldwide. Researchers have made hundreds of dives in caves in the region and spent thousands of hours in the water. They spent hundreds more hours exploring and going through the dangerous jungle. They transported and maintained diving equipment, drove cars, and oversaw their endless repairs.

Today, the K’oox Baal is the world’s longest cave system whose entire surface, including contours and cave lines has been fully mapped.

Our K’oox Baal cave diving video

Cenote Tres Estrellas (Three Stars or Ox-ek in Maya)

The maximum depth of this cave system area is 42 ft (12.8 m).

This location got its name from three holes in the ceiling of a large dry room with a pool of water inside. Walk down the set of stairs and follow the path to the water and walk carefully into the water. The permanent guideline lies straight ahead perpendicularly.

K'ooh Baal cave system map
K’ooh Baal cave system map

Tres Estrellas Cenote location map

The first explorers of the Sistema Tux Kapaxa side were Gunnar Wagner and Robbie Schmittner.

The first explorers of the Sistem Koox Ba’al were Bil Philips and Robbie Schmittner.

Other explorers were Steve Bogearts, Petr Chmel, Miloslav Dvoracek, Harry Hicks, Radoslav Husak, Daniel Hutnan, Martin Hutnan, Karol Kyska, Radek Jancar, Andres Labarthe, Miroslav Manhunt, Michal Megela, Theirry Minet, Zdenek Motycka, Bil Philips, Sabine Schnittger, Wulf Schubert, Jan Sirotek, Sarka Stepanova, Kamila Svobodova, and Radoslav Teichmann, Max and Laura Tobey.


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