Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote

Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote entrance

The Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote is part of the huge underwater cave system Sac Actun—Dos Ojos—Nohoch Nah Chich.

Turning toward Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote into the jungle on the 54th kilometer from Playa del Carmen of the Cancun-Tulum federal road, you will find yourself on a country road. Following, the dusty, bumpy road leads deep into the jungle. It connects the entrances to a multitude of beautiful cenotes. Caracol, Chun Ya, Otoch Ha, Outland, La Concha, Pedrin Fenomeno, etc.

Cenote Pedrin Fenomeno is part of the connected system Sac Actun-Nohoch-Dos Ojos. Moreover, it is the world’s second-largest underwater cave system, with 376,7 km (234 miles) of underwater lines. The maximum depth is 119.18 mts (391 ft). The Nohoch historical section is an anchialine cave system connecting to naturally intruding marine water and tidal influence in the cenotes. However, this cave system’s coastal discharge point(s) has not yet been explored into the ocean. Despite this, dye tracing to flow towards Caleta Xel-Ha, a nearby coastal bedrock lagoon, demonstrated large volumes of groundwater.

Sac Actun-Nohoch-Dos Ojos Cave lines with cenotes name General Map
Sac Actun-Nohoch-Dos Ojos Cave lines with cenotes name General Map

The next world’s longest cave system, Ox Bel Ha, is very close — just a few kilometers south. So, perhaps shortly, a place will be discovered where these two cave systems connect. The combined cave system will be the largest underwater cave system in the world and the largest cave system in general, including dry caves.

Cenote dives in this area are available to certified cave divers who can go alone or are guided by a qualified cave instructor.

Pedrin Fenomeno cenote

Farther away in the forest, an 8km potholed dirt road leads to the Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote. Pedrin Fenomeno is one more half-collapsed sinkhole. Together with other nearby cenotes, it was part of the Actun Hu (don’t mess with Actun Ha) cave system, which now belongs to the Sac Actun-Nohoch-Dos Ojos cave system. Furthermore, the jungle atmosphere was overwhelming. There is a dilapidated bridge to enter the water. The stairs have collapsed, but you can enter the water on the right or left along the shore. You will come to a shady pond about 2-3 meters (6-10 feet) deep. Outside the cave were tall leafy trees, and beautiful “mot-mot” birds flew by.

The main line is just behind the rock, leading inside half-open cenote waters. After passing through several beautiful halls, the permanent line descends to 10 meters and remains at this depth until an unnamed cenote on the left, 600 meters (1800 feet) from the entrance. Visibility is always clear. You can jump left toward La Concha Cenote or continue straight forward.

On the way inside, you can discover an ancient vase on the left and megatherium (giant sloth) bones in a 17-meter (56 ft) deep pit on the right. At about 1200 meters distance from Cenote Pedrin Fenomeno entrance, you will arrive at the beautiful blue-colored waters of the White River Cenote, which you can pass forward following the line toward various T-intersections or jump to the right to the neighbor line leading to one more unnamed cenote in 1600 meters (1 mile) from the entrance.

Our Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote cave diving video

Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote cave lines map

Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote cave lines crocs
Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote cave lines crocs

Pedrin Fenomeno Cenote location map

The first explorers were PET members Alex Alvarez, Franco Attolini, and Alberto Nava, who joined forces with MCEP/CINDAQ members Chris Le Maillot, Daniel Riordan, Fred Devos, and Sam Meacham to explore the Aktun Hu Cave System.

Explorations in Sistema Actun Hu began in January 2007. Explorers focused on La Concha, Pedrin Fenomeno, and upstream Cenote Chicomoztoc. About 8,000 ft (2,438 m) of passages were explored and surveyed, and a new, large cenote was located southeast of La Concha.

Robbie Schmittner connected Sistema Aktun Hu to the Nohoch Nah Chich region of Sistema Sac Actun on January 30, 2011


Xunaan Ha Cenote

Xunaan Ha Cenote Cave Entrance

Xunaan Ha Cenote is part of the eponymous cave system, the world’s 7th longest underwater system (4th biggest in Mexico), with a total length of surveyed lines of 52214 meters (32.44 ml). The maximum depth within this cave system is 27.1 m (89 ft).

There are thirty-one cenotes within this cave system. They are Cenote Abismo, Cenote Boy, Cenote Chango, Cenote Chemuyil Sur, Cenote Hol Kin, Cenote Jaguar House, Cenote Murcielago’s House, Cenote Renzo, Cenote Palomita, Cenote Pitch, Cenote Powerline, Cenote Principal, Cenote Rojo, Cenote Small, Cenote Xunaan Ha, plus sixteen more.

Cenote Xunaan Ha offers excellent cave diving, snorkeling, and swimming options in the main pond.

Our Xunaan Ha cave diving video

The main upstream and downstream lines are under the jump platforms left from the ladders. This cave system has various features for cave diving using both backmount and sidemount configurations.

Xunaan Ha cave system upstream and downstream lines map

Xunaan Ha up-n-downstream sections cave map
Xunaan Ha up-n-downstream sections cave map by Alessandro Reato

Xunaan Ha Cenote location map

The first explorer was Mike Madden. Other explorers were Philippe Brunet, Bruno Bonacosso, Mauro Bordiognon, Pierre Boudinet, Philipe Cabrejos, Gilles Carmine, Christian Cluade, Bruno Delprat, Christain Depin, Anne Dutheillet, Christian Edsel, the author, Bernard Glon, Paul Heinerth, Philippe Imbert, Marike Jasper, Tony Lacclete, Pedro Lage, Hans Kaspersetz, Kate Lewis, Connie LoRe, Joao Neves, Bojano Ostovijic, Alain Pocobelli, Bil Philips, Alessandro Reato, Ricardo, Simon and Donna Richards, Edsel De Los Rios, Marco Rotzinger, Robbie Schmittner, Manual Soares, Christian Thomas, Evgeni Voidakov, and German Yanez.

From 2009 to 2012, Mauro Bordignon, Alain Pocobelli, and Alessandro Reato organized and conducted a complete survey and further exploration of the Xunaan Ha Cenote cave system. For detailed information, please go to the website

Alessandro Reato has drawn a beautiful cartography map of the Hol Kin section of the Xunaan Ha Cave System.


Minotauro Cave System

Minotauro Cenote Cave Entrance area

Minotauro is a smallish cave system that suits a two—to three-person dive team. The maximum depth is 58 ft (17.7 m). There are five cenotes located within this cave system: Cenote Minotauro (main entrance), Cenote Escalera (Stairs), Cenote Estrella (Stars), Cenote Piedra (Stone), Cenote Winz, and one unnamed cenote entrance.

The upstream main line involves a very enjoyable circuit dive called La Vuelta (the Turn).

Minotauro Cave System upstream area lines map

Minotauro upstream area cave lines map
Minotauro upstream area cave lines map

The downstream area of this cave system is excellent for side-mount diving. It became trendy for sidemount cave diving training a few years ago, but now any training dives here are prohibited.

Our Minotauro cenote diving video

A cleared road with sascab dirt laid down allows cars and vans to drive 1.5 km to the cenote. The entrance is easy to access, with beautiful cement, safe stairs, and a walkway to the water. Equipment tables are available, and there is plenty of parking for vehicles. There are bathroom facilities.

To the northwest of the Minotauro system is the Tajma Ha cave system. Water from this system feeds into the Sistema Minotauro, located further east and within 200 ft (61 m). Various cave divers have made unsuccessful attempts to connect the two cave systems. A severely collapsed area blocks, so far, any union, though water samples have proven it is the same water.

Minotauro full lines map

Minotauro Cave System lines map
Minotauro Cave System lines map

Cave map drawing of the Munotauro system

Minotauro Cave System map
Minotauro Cave System map by Alessandro Reato.

This beautiful cave map drawing was published courtesy of Alessandro Reato. For 43 USD, you can buy this card from us in 60 x 72 cm size.

Minitauro Cenote location map

Bernard Glon, Joao Neves, Laura Neves, and Christian Thomas were the first explorers of this cave system, paving the way for further exploration.

They were followed by a dedicated group of adventurers, including Yair Azubel, Bil Philips, Bernd Birnbach, Fred Devos, Christophe Le Maillot, Kate Lewis, Karin Pointner, Alessandro Reato, and Danny Riordan.


Mayan Blue Cenote

Mayan Blue Cenote entrance

The enigmatic Mayan Blue (Escondido) Cenote or Cave, a jewel in the crown of the World’s Longest Underwater Cave, the Ox Bel Ha Cave System (‘Three Paths of Water’), is a sight to behold.

Historically, the Mayan Blue (Escondido) Cenote, the Jailhouse Cenote, and the Naharon Cenote were part of the Naranjal Cave system. On the weekend of March 28, 2011, Steve Bogearts of Playa del Carmen connected Sistema Naranjal to Sistema Ox Bel Ha. Support cave diver Bil Philips of Tulum assisted with logistics.

Naranjal Cave general map
Naranjal Cave general map

Nestled south of Tulum and near the captivating Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, the Ox Bel Ha cave system unveiled its mysteries in 1996 when a team of cave divers embarked on its discovery and exploration.

Ox Bel Ha Cave System from January 2023 (thanks to CINDAQ team efforts) becomes again the World’s Longest Underwater Cave. It boasts an impressive length of 496.8 kilometers (308.6 mi), securing its status as the world’s longest underwater cave system. As of the end of 2023, the cave system encompassed 160+ cenotes. The most notable ones are cenote Jailhouse, cenote Naharon, cenote Escondido (Mayan Blue). According to the latest CINDAQ annual report, the system includes 56674 survey stations, 615 sections, more than 2500 jumps, 1500+ T intersections, and 7683 cave line markers.

Ox Bel Ha Cave System map

Ox Bel Ha general map
Ox Bel Ha general map

The name “Ox Bel Ha,” derived from the Mayan language, translates to “Three Paths of Water,” eloquently capturing the intricate nature of this geological marvel.

The Yucatan Peninsula’s distinctive geological history, a testament to the Earth’s transformative power over millions of years, has given rise to a sprawling labyrinth of underground passages and cenotes. This unique geological formation, a gift to cave divers and geology enthusiasts, has established the Ox Bel Ha cave system as a paradise to explore and admire.

Cenote Mayan Blue

This cave area would be considered one the most outstanding in the Riviera Maya if not for all the tannic-stained walls and decorations above the halocline at 60 ft (18.3 m). This tannic acid intrudes into the aquifer from a huge swamp area 8 km west of Nahaton Cenote into the jungle. Within geological time (thousands of years), the tannic acid stains the calcium carbonate into a dark brown. Because everything is so dark, the cave divers’ light is absorbed. The few saltwater areas are not affected as the calcium carbonate is bleached by the saltwater.

The best cave dives are the B, E, and F tunnels, mostly saltwater. Enter the B tunnel and follow the line for 800 ft (244 m). There will be two directional arrows; jump to your right, about 35 ft (10.7 m), to the E line. Follow this line.

There is the A tunnel with a gold line to the Battleship Room and beyond, which is fresh and saltwater. Moving further, you will reach Cenote Naharon within 3 jumps, all to the right.

The traverse dive (two different ways) to the Cenote Sun is downstream. If you wanna go further, go to the left at the T. After a while, you will reach the Mukhal Siphone area of the Jailhouse Cenote.

Our Mayan Blue Cenote cave diving video

CREER Mayan Blue Cenote Cave Line Marking Trial Project

The color coding system used in the trial depended on available arrow colors and is the same as that used by Bil Phillips at Caracol. The red and green system comes from the colors of buoys in the IALA (International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities) system A, which corresponds to the colors of navigation lights on small boats that many divers will be familiar with.

IALA direction of buoyage system A
IALA direction of buoyage system A
  • The arrows marked with the name of the passage and the distance to the exit they are pointing to;
  • Jumps on the right marked by green arrows, and jumps on the left have red arrows;
  • Arrows at the start of jump lines white and marked with the name of the line;
  • Arrows that do not correspond to a jump white and marked with distance.

Cenote Mayan Blue cave lines map

Mayan Blue cave lines map
Mayan Blue Cave Lines map

Mayan Blue Cenote location map

The first explorers were Nancy and Tony DeRosa and Steve Gerrard. Hilario Hiler explored the A tunnel in August 1986. Steve Penn and Denny Atkinson explored the B tunnel in October 1986.

Other explorers were Jim Coke, Lori Beth Conlin, Johanna DeGroot, Paul Heinerth, Dan Lins, Mike Madden, Parker Turner, Harve and Toni Thorne, Tom Young, and Chris Van Winkle.
